美国大学毒理学杂志》,1988年5月1日,7 (3):359 - 413。
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棕榈、鲸蜡基、水溶液、十四烷基和二十二醇是长链脂肪族醇,最多仅略有毒剂量的口服药物时5克/公斤,大。在急性皮肤毒性研究(兔子),剂量的2.6 g / kg的鲸蜡醇,2.0克/公斤的产品含0.8%十四烷基醇几乎都是无毒的。温和的刺激时观察到奶油含有3.0%鲸蜡硬脂醇应用于新西兰的皮肤白化病的兔子。凡士林油十六醇(50.0%)用于擦伤和完整的皮肤白化病兔子产生最小的轻微的皮肤过敏。鲸蜡醇被认为是几乎无刺激性的时候灌输成白化兔子的眼睛。十四烷基气溶胶止汗剂含有3.0%酒精诱发轻度至中度刺激;十四烷基保湿营养乳液含有0.8%酒精是兔子的眼睛无刺激性的。角膜刺激被报道后眼部测试使用5.0%酒精水溶液止汗剂。观察结膜刺激2和6 h后二十二醇滴剂1.0%。丙二醇水溶液酒精(5.0%)和止汗剂含有5.0%酒精水溶液不增敏剂在几内亚猪。 Cetyl Alcohol was not mutagenic in Salmonella typhimurium LT2 mutant strains in the spot test. Clinical skin irritation and sensitization studies of product formulations containing up to 8.4% Cetyl Alcohol produced no evidence of irritation or sensitization. Moisturizing lotions containing 0.8% Myristyl Alcohol were nonirritating to human skin, and moisturizers containing 0.25% Myristyl Alcohol were neither irritants nor sensitizers. No signs of skin irritation or sensitization were observed in humans following the dermal application of 25% Isostearyl Alcohol. In a human skin sensitization study of a cream containing 3.0% Cetearyl Alcohol, none of the subjects had positive reactions. An analysis of the data and comparison with data from other toxicity studies on long-chain aliphatic alcohols is presented. Based on the available data included in this report, it is concluded that Cetearyl Alcohol, Cetyl Alcohol, Isostearyl Alcohol, Myristyl Alcohol, and Behenyl Alcohol are safe as cosmetic ingredients in the present practices of use.
- 药物