弓似的减轻。2004年2月,58 (1):47-59。
- PubMed ID
15085964 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
进行的一项研究调查的影响断奶的年龄在4周消化酶的活性在胃和胰腺组织和digesta从3天前向64年9天断奶仔猪断奶。在胃组织中胃蛋白酶和胃脂肪酶的活性。在断奶之后突然胃蛋白酶活性下降,但是5天断奶断奶水平恢复和胃内容物没有观察胃蛋白酶活性的变化。断奶不影响胃脂肪酶的活性。八酶的活性和胰腺组织的代数余子式测量。断奶对酶活性的影响是非常重要的对于所有除了弹性蛋白酶的酶。所有酶的活动仍然在断奶期间一天1 - 2断奶后减少的活动。胰蛋白酶的活性,羧肽酶,淀粉酶和脂肪酶的活动最低5天开启时间较短。胰蛋白酶活性增加preweaning水平在7 - 9天而其他人的活动增加,但没有达到preweaning水平。的活性胰凝乳蛋白酶、羧肽酶B和羧基酯水解酶在整个实验期间有所下降。 In digesta no effect of weaning was observed on the activity of amylase and trypsin. The activity of chymotrypsin was reduced after weaning in the proximal third of the small intestine and lipase and carboxyl ester hydrolase activity was reduced in the middle and distal parts of the small intestine after weaning. The present study shows that the activities of the digestive enzymes in the pancreatic tissue are affected by weaning. Even though the pancreatic secretion cannot be judged from these results they show that the enzymes respond differently to weaning. In general the activity of the digestive enzymes in pancreatic tissue is low on day 5 postweaning which in interaction with other factors may increase the risk of developing postweaning diarrhoea.
- 药物