布雷弗曼勒Soldin OP,拉姆SH
其他药物Monit。2001年8月,23(4):316 - 31所示。
- PubMed ID
11477312 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
高氯酸钾已经使用在不同时期在过去50年治疗甲状腺机能亢进。自二战以来高氯酸铵被用作推进剂火箭。1997年,在水中高氯酸盐的检测灵敏度提高从0.4 mg / L (ppm) 4 microg / L(磅)。因此,公共供水在南加州被发现含有高氯酸盐离子在5到8磅的,和那些在内华达州南部被发现含有5 - 24磅。研究必威国际app项目开发评估安全或从这些风险敞口和协助政府和监管机构设置合理的安全水平高氯酸盐的饮用水。这份报告回顾了高氯酸盐暴露对人类健康的影响的证据。高氯酸盐是碘吸收的竞争性抑制剂。所有的药物影响目前的治疗水平或降低与抑制的碘化钠同向转运(NIS)在甲状腺滤泡细胞的膜。医疗和职业的研究已经进行识别高氯酸盐暴露水平,甲状腺激素水平可能降低或促甲状腺素水平增加。这种接触水平可能开始在35到100毫克/天的范围内。 Volunteer studies have been designed to determine the exposure levels at which perchlorate begins to affect iodine uptake in humans. Such effects may begin at levels of approximately 1 mg/d. Environmental studies have assessed the thyroidal health of newborns and adults at current environmental exposures to perchlorate and have concluded that the present levels appear to be safe. Whereas additional studies are underway both in laboratory animals and in the field, it appears that a safe level can be established for perchlorate in water and that regulatory agencies and others are now trying to determine that level.