中岛以K, Oshida H, Muneyuki) T, Kakei M
核心Evid。2012; 7:77 - 91。doi: 10.2147 / CE.S26705。Epub 2012年7月19日。
- PubMed ID
22936895 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
胰腺外分泌不足(PEI)经常被观察到患者的胰腺疾病,包括慢性胰腺炎、囊性纤维化、肿瘤,或后手术切除。裴往往导致营养不良,体重和脂肪痢,增加发病率和死亡率的风险。因此,营养干预,例如低脂饮食和胰酶替代疗法(PERT),需要改善临床症状,并解决胰腺外分泌不足的病理生理学。PERT与延缓释放胰脂肪酶现在成为标准治疗胰腺外分泌不足,因为它极大地提高了脂肪的系数和氮吸收以及临床症状,没有治疗诱发的严重不良事件。主要不良事件是可容忍的胃肠道症状,如胃部疼痛,恶心、腹胀。Fibrosing colonopathy、严重并发症与高剂量的酶有关。几个胰脂肪酶产品已通过美国食品和药物管理局最近几年。虽然很多双盲,安慰剂对照试验的胰脂肪酶产品都是近年来进行的,这些研究了相对较少的患者,往往不到几周时间。此外,很少有研究解决问题的胰腺糖尿病,糖尿病的一种,特点是频繁的低血糖,这是难以管理。此外,目前尚不清楚PERT提高发病率和死亡率在这样的设置。 Therefore, large, long-term prospective studies are needed to identify the optimal treatment for pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. The studies should also examine the extent to which PERT using pancrelipase improves mortality and morbidity. The etiology and severity of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency often differ among patients with gastrointestinal diseases or diabetes (type 1 and type 2), and among elderly subjects. Finally, although there is currently limited clinical evidence, numerous extrapancreatic diseases and conditions that are highly prevalent in the general population may also be considered potential targets for PERT and related treatments.
- 药物