


Chyka PA, Erdman AR, Christianson G, Wax PM, Booze LL, Manoguerra AS, Caravati EM, Nelson LS, Olson KR, Cobaugh DJ, Scharman EJ, Woolf AD, Troutman WG


临床毒物(Phila)。2007年,45(2):95 - 131。doi: 10.1080 / 15563650600907140。

PubMed ID
17364628 (PubMed视图

美国中毒中心2004年的数据显示,超过40,000人接触到含水杨酸酯的产品。确定急诊科转诊和院前护理条件的指导方针可能会优化患者的结果,避免不必要的急诊科就诊,降低医疗成本,并减少对患者和护理人员的生活干扰。制定指南时采用了以证据为基础的专家共识过程。相关文章由训练有素的医师研究人员进行摘要。必威国际app指导方针的初稿是由第一作者制定的。在分发给第二审稿人征求意见之前,整个小组讨论并完善了指南。然后,该小组根据二次审查意见进行了修改。本指南的目标是通过以下方式协助中毒中心人员对疑似水杨酸盐暴露的患者进行适当的院外分诊和初步院外管理:1)描述中毒信息专家应评估水杨酸盐暴露的过程;2)确定管理水杨酸盐暴露病例的关键决策要素;3)提供反映当前知识状况的清晰而实用的建议;4)确定研究需求。必威国际app本指南基于对当前科学和临床信息的评估。 The expert consensus panel recognizes that specific patient care decisions may be at variance with this guideline and are the prerogative of the patient and the health professionals providing care, considering all of the circumstances involved. This guideline does not substitute for clinical judgment. Recommendations are in chronological order of likely clinical use. The grade of recommendation is in parentheses: 1) Patients with stated or suspected self-harm or who are the victims of a potentially malicious administration of a salicylate, should be referred to an emergency department immediately. This referral should be guided by local poison center procedures. In general, this should occur regardless of the dose reported (Grade D). 2) The presence of typical symptoms of salicylate toxicity such as hematemesis, tachypnea, hyperpnea, dyspnea, tinnitus, deafness, lethargy, seizures, unexplained lethargy, or confusion warrants referral to an emergency department for evaluation (Grade C). 3) Patients who exhibit typical symptoms of salicylate toxicity or nonspecific symptoms such as unexplained lethargy, confusion, or dyspnea, which could indicate the development of chronic salicylate toxicity, should be referred to an emergency department (Grade C). 4) Patients without evidence of self-harm should have further evaluation, including determination of the dose, time of ingestion, presence of symptoms, history of other medical conditions, and the presence of co-ingestants. The acute ingestion of more than 150 mg/kg or 6.5 g of aspirin equivalent, whichever is less, warrants referral to an emergency department. Ingestion of greater than a lick or taste of oil of wintergreen (98% methyl salicylate) by children under 6 years of age and more than 4 mL of oil of wintergreen by patients 6 years of age and older could cause systemic salicylate toxicity and warrants referral to an emergency department (Grade C). 5) Do not induce emesis for ingestions of salicylates (Grade D). 6) Consider the out-of-hospital administration of activated charcoal for acute ingestions of a toxic dose if it is immediately available, no contraindications are present, the patient is not vomiting, and local guidelines for its out-of-hospital use are observed. However, do not delay transportation in order to administer activated charcoal (Grade D). 7) Women in the last trimester of pregnancy who ingest below the dose for emergency department referral and do not have other referral conditions should be directed to their primary care physician, obstetrician, or a non-emergent health care facility for evaluation of maternal and fetal risk. Routine referral to an emergency department for immediate care is not required (Grade C). 8) For asymptomatic patients with dermal exposures to methyl salicylate or salicylic acid, the skin should be thoroughly washed with soap and water and the patient can be observed at home for development of symptoms (Grade C). 9) For patients with an ocular exposure of methyl salicylate or salicylic acid, the eye(s) should be irrigated with room-temperature tap water for 15 minutes. If after irrigation the patient is having pain, decreased visual acuity, or persistent irritation, referral for an ophthalmological examination is indicated (Grade D). 10) Poison centers should monitor the onset of symptoms whenever possible by conducting follow-up calls at periodic intervals for approximately 12 hours after ingestion of non-enteric-coated salicylate products, and for approximately 24 hours after the ingestion of enteric-coated aspirin (Grade C).

