Fruijtier-Polloth C
毒理学。2005年10月15日,214 (2):1-38。doi: 10.1016 / j.tox.2005.06.001。
- PubMed ID
16011869 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
这个评估小说在聚乙烯乙二醇(挂钩)和阴离子或非离子挂钩的衍生品,目前用于化妆品在欧洲。这些化合物被用于各种各样的化妆品应用由于其溶解度和粘度特性,因为他们的低毒性。挂钩,醚类、脂肪酸酯产生很少或没有眼部或皮肤刺激和极低的急性和慢性毒性。他们不容易穿透完整的皮肤,针对广泛使用的制剂包含挂钩和挂钩的衍生品,只有少数病例报告在敏化作用反应已经出版,主要涉及患者接触挂钩在药物或长期暴露在受伤或发炎的皮肤。健康的皮肤,这些化合物的感光潜力似乎可以忽略不计。对于一些代表这个类的物质,信息可以在生殖和发育毒性,genotoxicty和致癌性质。考虑到所有可用的信息相关的化合物,以及行动的模式和机制,没有安全问题关于这些端点可以被识别。基于可用的数据因此得出结论,挂钩的分子量范围宽(200到10000)醚(月桂醇。ceteths、ceteareths steareths, oleths)和脂肪酸酯(月桂酸盐,dilaurates、硬脂酸、二硬脂酸酯)是安全的使用化妆品。有限的数据被用于挂钩山梨醇/山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯、挂钩山梨醇蜂蜡和大豆甾醇类挂钩。 Taking into account all the information available for closely related compounds, it can be assumed that these compounds as presently used in cosmetic preparations will not present a risk for human health. PEG castor oils and PEG hydrogenated castor oils have caused anaphylactic reactions when used in intravenous medicinal products. Their topical use in cosmetics is, however, considered safe as they are not expected to be systemically available. As all PEGs and PEG derivatives, they must not be applied to damaged skin. Manufacturers of PEGs and PEG derivatives must continue their efforts to remove impurities and by-products such as ethylene oxide and 1,4-dioxane. Overall, it is concluded, that the PEGs covered in this review are safe for use in cosmetics under the present conditions of intended use.
- 药物