


Palayekar MJ,赫尔佐格TJ


Int J Gynecol癌症。2008;9月- 10月18日(5):879 - 90。Epub 2007 12月5。

PubMed ID
18053062 (在PubMed

表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)抑制剂是一种新的生物靶向治疗,这可能提供新的希望治疗晚期或复发性卵巢癌患者。在这次审查中,我们总结并讨论表皮生长因子受体抑制剂的研究到目前为止的结果特别强调卵巢癌。必威国际appMEDLINE,我们回顾了数据被搜索PubMed,和抽象的程序必威国际app美国临床肿瘤学会会议从1998年到2006年,与搜索词“卵巢癌,”“表皮生长因子受体”,“吉非替尼、ZD1839艾瑞莎”,“埃罗替尼,osi - 774、特罗凯、”“ci - 1033”,“572016 GW,拉帕替尼,”“pki - 166,”“EKB 569年”“anti-EGFR抗体”,“曲妥珠单抗(赫赛汀,”“西妥昔单抗、艾比特思、IMC-C225”“matuzumab EMD 72000年”“panitumamab ABX-EGF”,“pertuzumab,”和“vandetanib、rINN Zactima, ZD6474。”Phase II trials of both small molecule inhibitors of EGFR- and antibody-based inhibitors are currently ongoing in ovarian cancer and emerging data suggest that their activity in unselected women with advanced or recurrent ovarian cancer is modest, when utilized as a single agent. It is possible that these agents will be highly effective in smaller subsets of patients whose tumors are dependent on EGFR signaling, perhaps through activating mutations in EGFR or its downstream pathway. Targeted therapy with EGFR inhibitors is an untapped potential resource in the treatment of advanced or recurrent ovarian cancer. Ongoing trials will elucidate the most effective strategies to use these agents individually or in combination with traditional chemotherapeutic agents.

