




4月Fundam杂志。2003;17(2):217 - 25所示。

PubMed ID
12667233 (在PubMed

疥疮是一种频繁interhuman ectoparasitic感染。有几种治疗方法。局部治疗:合成除虫菊酯、苯甲酸苄酯,林丹,crotamiton。最近一些研究发表关于伊维菌素,系统性抗剂用于治疗盘尾丝虫病。我们回顾了文献循证医学方法。特别是我们试图回答两个问题:什么是常见的疥疮患者的首选治疗,否则身体很好吧?系统性的伊维菌素的作用是什么?我们也报告具体情况。在当地治疗,研究异构根据产品,国家,治疗组患者,有或没有接触,和治疗的方法的应用。很少有高proof-level控制研究。 In France, a combination of benzyl benzoate 10% and sulfiram 2% is used most, according to professional consensus. The most studied product is the cream permethrin 5%, available in the USA and UK. Its efficacy seems slightly superior to lindane and less toxic. It is more efficient than crotamiton. There is no study comparing benzyl benzoate and permethrin. Concerning systemic ivermectin, five controlled studies showed its efficiency in common scabies. But its relative efficiency over local treatment has not been established. A few open studies showed its efficacy in institutional epidemic, profuse scabies and in HIV-positive patients. Local treatment of choice in common scabies remains to be determined among the four principal molecules. There is no study comparing permethrin or esdepallethrin to benzyl benzoate. In what cases should we prescribe crotamiton or lindane? Indication of ivermectin seems proved in common scabies and probably for HIV-positive patients. It remains to be determined if it should be prescribed in the first instance, be double or triple, be associated or not with local treatment. In case of keratotic scabies, ivermectin seems interesting with two applications within 1 week, and should be associated with local treatment (duration remains to be defined). Ivermectin is probably useful in institutional epidemic, and therapeutic attitude remains to be defined. Ivermectin seems to have little or no risk. Treatment must be adapted case-by-case, according to feasibility. It is still important to treat contacts, and modality of this treatment remains to be specified.

