范Roey K, Sokny M,丹尼斯·L·范Broeck N,亨,Siv年代,Sluydts V, Sochantha T, Coosemans M, Durnez L
公共科学图书馆Negl太说。2014年12月18日,8 (12):e3326。doi: 10.1371 / journal.pntd.0003326。eCollection 2014年12月。
- PubMed ID
25522134 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
经杀虫剂处理过的蚊帐的扩大导致了疟疾大幅下降。然而,一些疟疾病媒,大多数虫媒病毒向量,咬在户外,在傍晚。因此,局部应用驱虫剂可能对蚊媒病原体提供至关重要的额外保护。在局部驱虫剂,避蚊胺是最常用的,其次是picaridin等。两个制定的保护效力picaridin驱虫剂,防止蚊子叮咬,包括虫媒病毒和疟疾病媒,在柬埔寨评估领域的研究。两年来,人类着陆集合进行排斥的人,对待与旋转的影响占集合地点,时间和个人收藏家。基于4996蚊子收集负控制人,整个五小时保护率为97.4%(95%置信区间ci: 97.1 - -97.8%),而不是减少。Picaridin 20%表现同样避蚊胺20%,比Picaridin 10%。驱虫剂表现更好对Mansonia和库蚊种虫害相比aedines和按蚊。观察低性能对白纹伊蚊比埃及伊蚊,和按蚊barbirostris相比几个向量的物种。 Parity rates were higher in vectors collected on repellent treated person as compared to control persons. As such, field evaluation shows that repellents can provide additional personal protection against early and outdoor biting malaria and arbovirus vectors, with excellent protection up to five hours after application. The heterogeneity in repellent sensitivity between mosquito genera and vector species could however impact the efficacy of repellents in public health programs. Considering its excellent performance and potential to protect against early and outdoor biting vectors, as well as its higher acceptability as compared to DEET, picaridin is an appropriate product to evaluate the epidemiological impact of large scale use of topical repellents on arthropod borne diseases.
- 药物