


Scheinfeld N


专家意见药物杂志2005七月;4(4):637-41。doi: 10.1517 / 14740338.4.4.637。

PubMed ID
16011443 (PubMed视图

Adalimumab (Humira)是一种人tnf - α单克隆抗体,可阻断tnf - α的作用。它是通过皮下注射给药。在欧盟和美国,它已被批准单独或与甲氨蝶呤联合用于治疗类风湿关节炎。预计在不久的将来,它将被批准用于治疗银屑病、银屑病关节炎和强直性脊柱炎。与传统的全身治疗方法相比,它的副作用是有利的。它不需要实验室监测。阿达木单抗最常见的副作用是注射部位反应。阿达木单抗增加了罕见严重感染的风险。根据Premier试验报告,使用阿达木单抗有两倍的严重感染风险。这种风险不应以这种方式最小化。 It should not be used during periods of active infection. Its most notable infectious complication is the reactivation of tuberculosis. Tuberculosis screening should be according to country standards and may or may not include purified protein derivative test or chest X-ray. Deep fungal and other serious and atypical infection can also be promoted by adalimumab. It has been associated infrequently with skin rashes. Rare side effects include: worsening or initiation of congestive heart failure, a lupus-like syndrome, a promotion of lymphoma, medically significant cytopenias, and worsening or initiation of a multiple sclerosis/neurological disease. There has been reported pancytopenia and elevated transamines with the use of adalimumab, which suggest that laboratory monitoring blood counts and liver functions, at least intermittently, are useful. In patients with any of the foregoing problems, its use should be extremely carefully considered. Adalimumab is a useful medication which can be safely used if its side effects are recognised.

