


金P,张军,Sumariwalla PF、镍,约根森B,克劳福德D,菲利普斯年代,Feldmann M,谢泼德嗯,Paleolog EM


关节炎Res其他。2008;10 (4):R73。doi: 10.1186 / ar2447。Epub 2008 7月1。

PubMed ID
18593464 (在PubMed

简介:尽管的出现,生物治疗类风湿性关节炎的治疗,有迫切需要开发替代治疗nonresponders现有的治疗目标。可溶性受体体内自然发生,如拼接变异细胞表面受体的血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)血管生成的关键调节器在类风湿性关节炎。生物信息学分析预测,大部分的人类基因进行可变剪接,生成蛋白质——其中许多可能监管职能。本研究的目的是确定选择拼接变体(ASV)从细胞表面受体基因,并确定是否新颖蛋白质编码施加治疗关节炎的体内模型的活动。方法:找出新颖的剪接变体,我们使用一个信使rna池进行rt - pcr代表主要人体组织类型和肿瘤。小说ASV被对齐每个克隆序列的确定其各自的基因组序列相比,完整的记录。为了测试这些ASV是否有生物活动,我们为配体结合为特征的一个子集,和关节炎动物模型的疗效。体内的研究是使用腺病毒表达分泌ASV)完成。结果:我们人类克隆60小说ASV来自21个基因,编码细胞表面受体——其中许多被认为是重要的血管生成。ASV特征为外延外显子,内含子保留和替代外显子的利用率。 Efficient expression and secretion of selected ASV--corresponding to VEGF receptor type 1, VEGF receptor type 2, VEGF receptor type 3, angiopoietin receptor Tie1, Met (receptor for hepatocyte growth factor), colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor, platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta, fibroblast growth factor receptor 1, Kit, and RAGE--was demonstrated, together with binding to their cognate ligands. Importantly, ASV derived from VEGF receptor type 1 and Tie1, and to a lesser extent from VEGF receptor type 2 and fibroblast growth factor receptor 1, reduced clinical signs of arthritis in vivo. The reduction was paralleled by decreased joint inflammation and destruction. CONCLUSION: The present study shows that unique ASV derived from receptors that play key roles in angiogenesis--namely, VEGF receptor type 1 and, for the first time, Tie1--can markedly reduce arthritis severity. More broadly, our results demonstrate that ASV are a source of novel proteins with therapeutic potential in diseases in which angiogenesis and cellular hyperplasia play a central role, such as rheumatoid arthritis.


的名字 UniProt ID
血管内皮生长因子受体3 P35916 细节
血管内皮生长因子受体1 P17948 细节
血小板源生长因子受体β P09619 细节
血管内皮生长因子受体2 P35968 细节
桅杆/干细胞生长因子受体工具包 P10721 细节
Ephrin a受体2 P29317 细节
巨噬细胞集落刺激因子1受体 P07333 细节
肝细胞生长因子受体 P08581 细节
上皮discoidin domain-containing受体1 Q08345 细节
Ephrin b受体4 P54760 细节
酪氨酸受体激酶受体Tie-1 P35590 细节
Ephrin a受体1 P21709 细节
Ephrin b受体1 P54762 细节
Macrophage-stimulating蛋白受体 Q04912 细节