J Neurophysiol。1999年9月,82 (3):1438 - 50。
- PubMed ID
10482760 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
GABA (B)受体介导的抑制了在解剖学上确定了抑制性中间神经元位于齿状回颗粒细胞层之间的边界和门。生物胞素染色用于可视化记录细胞的形态。分子层刺激诱发药物孤立缓慢的抑制性突触后电流(IPSC),记录全细胞膜片箝技术,63年55中间神经元。GABA (B)受体拮抗剂的应用,本金保证产品35348 (400 microM)或本金保证产品55845 (1 microM)的一个子集25中间神经元抑制缓慢IPSC数量从10到100%。在56%的这些细胞,缓慢的IPSC完全GABA (B)受体介导的。然而,在剩下的中间神经元,缓慢的一个组成部分,IPSC是抵抗GABA (B)拮抗剂。减法的拮抗剂耐电流从缓慢IPSC孤立GABA (B)组件(IPSC (B))。这IPSC (B)也有类似的发作和峰值延迟,记录了从颗粒细胞,但持续时间短得多。GABA (B)受体激动剂,巴氯芬(10 microM),产生了本金保证产品55845 -敏感外目前27中间神经元的19个。八细胞缺乏一个巴氯芬目前,强或重复毫升刺激也未能唤起一个IPSC (B),表明这些细胞缺乏功能性GABA (B) receptor-activated钾电流。 In cells that expressed a baclofen current, the amplitude of this current was approximately 50% smaller in interneurons with axons that projected into the granule cell dendritic layer (22.2 +/- 5.3 pA; mean +/- SE) than in interneurons with axons that projected into or near the granule cell body layer (46.1 +/- 10.0 pA). Similarly, the IPSC(B) amplitude was smaller in interneurons projecting to dendritic (9.4 +/- 2.7 pA) than perisomatic regions (34.3 +/- 5.1 pA). These findings suggest that GABA(B) inhibition more strongly regulates interneurons with axons that project into perisomatic than dendritic regions. To determine the functional role of GABA(B) inhibition, we examined the effect of IPSP(B) on action potential firing and synaptic excitation of these interneurons. IPSP(B) and IPSP(A) both suppressed depolarization-induced neuronal firing. However, unlike IPSP(A), suppression of firing by IPSP(B) could be easily overcome with strong depolarization. IPSP(B) markedly suppressed N-methyl-D-aspartate but not AMPA EPSPs, suggesting that GABA(B) inhibition may play a role in regulating slow synaptic excitation of these interneurons. Heterogeneous expression of GABA(B) currents in hilar border interneurons therefore may provide a mechanism for the differential regulation of excitation of these cells and thereby exert an important role in shaping neuronal activity in the dentate gyrus.
- 药物靶点
药物 目标 类 生物 药理作用 行动 Arbaclofen γ-氨基丁酸B型受体亚基1 蛋白质 人类 是的受体激动剂细节 Arbaclofen Placarbil γ-氨基丁酸B型受体亚基1 蛋白质 人类 是的受体激动剂细节 巴氯芬 γ-氨基丁酸B型受体亚基1 蛋白质 人类 未知的受体激动剂细节