玛珊德J Galiegue年代,玛丽年代,Dussossoy D,卡里埃D, Carayon P, Bouaboula M,夏尔D, Le毛皮G,卡塞拉P
8月15日。1995欧元;232 (1):54 - 61。
- PubMed ID
7556170 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
两种蛋白质与七transmembrane-spanning域的典型guanosine-nucleotide-binding-protein-coupled受体已经被确认为大麻素受体;中央大麻素受体、CB1和外围大麻素受体,CB2,分别最初老鼠大脑和脾脏中描述。在这里,我们报告分布模式对CB1和CB2记录在人类免疫细胞和人体组织,分析了使用一个高度敏感和定量pcr方法。CB1主要表达在中枢神经系统,在一个较低的程度上,在几周组织如肾上腺、心脏、肺、前列腺、子宫、卵巢、睾丸、骨髓、胸腺和扁桃体。相比之下,CB2基因,大脑中不表达,特别丰富的免疫组织,表达水平高于CB1 10 - 100倍。尽管CB2信使rna也发现在其他外围组织,其水平仍然很低。在脾脏和扁桃体,CB2信使rna含量相当于CB1 mRNA的中枢神经系统。中主要的人类血液细胞亚种群,CB2信使rna的分布格局显示重要的变化。的等级次序CB2 mRNA水平在这些细胞b细胞>自然杀伤细胞> >多形核中性粒细胞单核细胞> > T8细胞> T4细胞。相同的等级次序也成立于人类细胞系属于骨髓,淋巴和单核细胞的血统。 The prevailing expression of the CB2 gene in immune tissues was confirmed by Northern-blot analysis. In addition, the expression of the CB2 protein was demonstrated by an immunohistological analysis performed on tonsil sections using specific anti-(human CB2) IgG; this experiment showed that CB2 expression was restricted to B-lymphocyte-enriched areas of the mantle of secondary lymphoid follicles. These results suggest that (a) CB1 and CB2 can be considered as tissue-selective antigens of the central nervous system and immune system, respectively, and (b) cannabinoids may exert specific receptor-mediated actions on the immune system through the CB2 receptor.