埃默森PJ,克拉克MJ,曼苏尔,议长H,伍兹JH Medzihradsky F
J Exp其他杂志》1996年9月,278 (3):1121 - 7。
- PubMed ID
8819494 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
C6神经胶质瘤细胞中稳定表达了一个均匀的克隆鼠μ阿片受体,阿片受体激动剂的结合亲和力和随后激活G蛋白的检查。阿片受体在细胞膜的细胞数量高(10 ~ 30 pmol /毫克蛋白[3 h] diprenorphine绑定网站)。阿片类药物被发现与高亲和力受体(Tyr-D-Ala-Gly——(我)Phe-Gly-ol (DAMGO) 0.23 nM;0.034 nM;舒芬太尼吗啡0.16 nM)。阿片受体激动剂激活G蛋白的研究通过测量刺激guanosine-5 - o - (3 - (35 S)含硫的)三磷酸([35 S]三磷酸鸟苷伽马S)绑定。增加舒芬太尼35 [S]三磷酸鸟苷伽马年代绑定326% EC50值为2.39海里。受体激动剂刺激[35 S]三磷酸鸟苷γ年代绑定立体选择,naltrexone-reversible,百日咳toxin-sensitive。阿片类药物的“内在活动”反映了μ受体agonist-mediated激活G蛋白的大小。的等级次序的刺激(35 S]三磷酸鸟苷伽马年代绑定etonitazene = = DAMGO = PLO17 =舒芬太尼芬太尼> > profadol >哌替啶>吗啡布托啡诺= nalbuphine =镇痛新> cyclazocine =烯丙吗啡>烯丙左吗喃>环丙甲羟二羟吗啡酮。 High affinity binding of ligands to the mu opioid receptor was reduced by the addition of sodium and guanosine diphosphate at concentrations used in the [35S]GTP gamma S binding assay. Ligand affinity was reduced in a manner correlating with "intrinsic activity". DAMGO, 1229-fold, nalbuphine 35-fold, naltrexone, 3-fold. The results presented show that the stable expression of the rat mu opioid receptor in C6 cells provides an effective tool to examine opioid receptor signal transduction mechanisms and evaluate the activity of novel opioids at the mu receptor.
- 药物靶点
药物 目标 类 生物 药理作用 行动 烯丙左吗喃 Mu-type阿片受体 蛋白质 人类 是的部分激动剂细节