Brama M, Gnessi L, Basciani S, Cerulli N, Politi L, Spera G, Mariani S, Cherubini S, Scotto d’abusco A, Scandurra R, Migliaccio S
《细胞内分泌学报》2007年1月29日;264(1-2):102-8。Epub 2006 11月27日。
- PubMed ID
17125913 (PubMed视图]
- 摘要
乳腺癌(BC)与雌激素暴露有关。雌二醇(E2)通过结合雌激素受体(ER)刺激BC细胞增殖。激素相关的癌症与雌激素环境污染物有关。镉(Cd)是一种有毒污染物,在BC细胞中起雌激素的作用。本研究的目的是评估Cd是否通过激活ERK1/2、Akt和PDGFRalpha激酶来调控MCF-7细胞增殖。Cd促进细胞增殖,er拮抗剂ICI 182780使其钝化。为了描述er依赖的机制,评估了ERalpha/beta表达。Cd降低ERalpha表达,但不影响ERbeta表达。Cd还增加了ERK1/2、Akt和PDGFRalpha的磷酸化,而ICI则阻断了这一磷酸化。由于磷酸化的刺激比预期的要慢,因此对c-fos和c-jun原癌基因以及PDGFA进行了分析。 Cd rapidly increased c-jun, c-fos and PDGFA expression. Cells were also co-incubated with the Cd and specific kinases inhibitors, which blocked the Cd-stimulated proliferation. In conclusion, our results indicate that Cd increases BC cell proliferation in vitro by stimulating Akt, ERK1/2 and PDGFRalpha kinases activity likely by activating c-fos, c-jun and PDGFA by an ERalpha-dependent mechanism.