DNA序列的两个核基因表达人类线粒体ADP / ATP移位酶。
瞒,Runswick MJ,沃克我
DNA序列的两个核基因表达人类线粒体ADP / ATP移位酶。
J杂志。1989年3月20日,206 (2):261 - 80。
- PubMed ID
2541251 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
线粒体ADP / ATP的内膜移位酶是一个丰富的组件。它携带的ATP矩阵到膜间隙和传输ADP回来。克隆编码两个不同但相关的蛋白质从牛的互补特征库。相应的基因被称为T1和T2,他们表达了对牛的各级组织。牛的互补是用来分离克隆人类的基因组文库,包含人类T1和T2基因。9756年和8625年的两个核苷酸序列碱基对已经确定,它们包含人类T1和T2基因的转录区域涵盖人类基因组的4.2和5.9 kb,分别为(1 kb = 10(3)碱基对)。这两个基因是分成4个外显子。每个基因的内含子是完全等价的地点和中断序列编码的蛋白被认为是extramembranous循环连接跨膜段。编码的蛋白质的基因不同于297年的32个氨基酸,和与其他ADP / ATP移位酶一样,都有一个处理导入线粒体序列。人类的T1和T2基因是一个更大的基因家族的成员,其中包括三分之一表示基因T3和至少两个拼接伪基因。 Other studies have shown that T3 is expressed in liver and HeLa cells, and different levels of transcripts of T1 have been found in various tissues. A notable feature of the T1 and T2 genes, that may influence their expression, is that "CpG-rich islands" are associated with their 5' ends. That of the T2 gene contains numerous potential sites for binding the mammalian transcription factor SP1, but no TATA or CCAAT sequences are evident near to its 5' end, although these latter features are associated with the human T1 gene. The two DNA sequence also contain many short interspersed repetitive sequences including 11 Alu repeats, and a novel element about 236 base-pairs in length, which is repeated in a six-fold tandem array in intron B of the T2 gene.