Gondo Y, Shioyama Y,地震区K, Katsuki M
Mutat研究》1996年5月17日,360 (1):1 - 14。
- PubMed ID
8657204 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
积极发现体内突变积累不同的老鼠的器官,我们开发出了一种转基因小鼠系统。这转基因老鼠携带一个大肠杆菌(大肠杆菌)质粒pML4穿梭载体,由一个复制原点(ori) kanamycin-resistant基因(KanR)和rpsL +基因(箍)来自大肠杆菌。这些大肠杆菌元素将惰性的转基因小鼠系统;因此,中性突变会累积在穿梭质粒转基因小鼠。穿梭质粒向量从老鼠基因组DNA中恢复过来并引入kanamycin-sensitive(公里)和streptomycin-resistant鼻中隔黏膜下切除术后()大肠杆菌细胞通过使用电穿孔。原pML4穿梭质粒转化大肠杆菌宿主KmR和短信,因为KanR和rpsL基因表现出显性特征KmR和SmS,分别。另一方面,当检索pML4穿梭质粒携带突变rpsL基因,它可以是积极发现鼻中隔黏膜下切除术后作为KmR和。基于这一原则,我们能够积极检测体内突变积累在rpsL穿梭载体的转基因pML4集成到老鼠基因组。获救的总数穿梭质粒计算在板块仅包含公里,而只有在盘子里发现了突变体含有两公里,Sm。我们迄今为止建立22个独立的转基因小鼠,进行约。 750 copies of the shuttle plasmid pML4 in a haploid genome. By using high-copy-number transgenic mouse lines which carried 350 copies or more of the shuttle vector, we also developed a simple and proficient method for retrieving the shuttle plasmid from various tissues of the transgenic mice. The background mutant frequency was approx. 5 x 10(-5). In order to validate the applicability of the positive-detection transgenic system for the induced mutagenicity assay, methylnitrosourea (MNU) was administered to the transgenic mice, and an increase in the number of mutant frequencies was seen in all tested organs including spleen, liver and brain. The rpsL transgenic mouse system was therefore considered to provide a quick-and-easy risk assessment test for in vivo tissue-specific mutagenicity, using positive detection by streptomycin.
- 药物靶点
药物 目标 类 生物 药理作用 行动 卡那霉素 30年代S12核糖体蛋白质 蛋白质 大肠杆菌(应变K12) 是的抑制剂细节