杂志。2004年10月1日,560 (Pt 1): 37-49。Epub 2004年7月22日。
- PubMed ID
15272045 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
氟卡尼是一个类我抗心律失常的药物和一个强有力的心脏(Nav1.5)钠离子通道抑制剂。尽管氟卡尼抑制Nav1.5通常由去极化增强,开放和灭活的贡献国家氟卡尼绑定和抑制仍有争议。我们进一步研究了氟卡尼的依赖绑定通过检查其抑制快速灭活和non-inactivating Nav1.5表示在非洲爪蟾蜍卵母细胞的突变体。应用氟卡尼同时简要从相对消极的去极化控股可能导致低亲和力的抑制通道(IC (50) = 345 microM)。增加的频率刺激会使氟卡尼抑制(IC (50) = 7.4 microM),逐步增加超过Nav1.5通道激活的电压范围。这与持续去极化,有效地稳定渠道在灭活州,未能促进重要的氟卡尼抑制。氟卡尼抑制的电压灵敏度和强烈依赖于重复的去极化表明氟卡尼绑定是通过通道开放,药品不直接绑定到关闭或灭活频道。氟卡尼打开通道的绑定是Nav1.5 non-inactivating突变体的进一步研究。氟卡尼non-inactivating当前的时间衰变产生变异,显示动力学符合简单的毛孔阻塞机制(K (D) = 11 microM)。在超极化电压,氟卡尼的复苏放缓迅速灭活(τ= 81 + / - 3 s)和non-inactivating(τ= 42 + / - 3 s)通道。 Mutation of a conserved isoleucine of the D4S6 segment (I1756C) creates an alternative pathway that permits the rapid diffusion of anaesthetics out of the Nav1.5 channel. The I1756C mutation accelerated the recovery of both the rapidly inactivating (tau = 12.6 +/- 0.4 s) and non-inactivating (tau = 7.4 +/- 0.1 s) channels, suggesting that flecainide is trapped and not tightly bound within the pore when the channels are closed or inactivated. The data indicate that flecainide rapidly gains access to its binding site when the channel is open and inhibits Na(+) current by a pore blocking mechanism. Closing of either the activation or the inactivation gate traps flecainide within the pore resulting in the slow recovery of the drug-modified channels at hyperpolarized voltages.
- 药物靶点
药物 目标 类 生物 药理作用 行动 氟卡尼 钠离子通道蛋白类型5α亚基 蛋白质 人类 是的抑制剂细节