


Mendonca BB, Leite MV, de Castro M, Kino T, Elias LL, Bachega TA, Arnhold IJ, Chrousos GP, Latronico AC



PubMed ID
11932321 (PubMed视图

家族性糖皮质激素抵抗的特征是皮质醇分泌增加,没有临床证据显示高皮质醇血症,但表现为雄激素和矿物皮质激素过量。这种情况主要是由GR基因突变导致糖皮质激素信号在糖皮质激素靶组织中转导不足引起的。女性糖皮质激素耐药的临床特征包括多毛、痤疮、男性型秃顶、月经少和少排卵。我们在这里描述了一种新的表型,女性假两性畸形和严重低钾血症,由GR基因的纯合失活突变引起。先见者从亲族父母处出生时生殖器不明,5岁起被虐待为21-羟化酶缺乏症患者,血浆ACTH (759 pg/ml或167 pmol/l)、皮质醇(28-54 μ g/dl或772-1490 nmol/l)、雄烯二酮(5-14 ng/ml或17-48 nmol/l)、T (174-235 ng/dl或7-8 nmol/l)、17-羟孕酮(8-12 ng/ml或24-36 nmol/l)水平非常高。她的皮质醇和17-羟孕酮水平与典型先天性肾上腺增生的诊断不相符;此外,地塞米松给药(28微克/天或772 nmol/升)后,皮质醇没有得到适当的抑制。她的实验室评估显示诊断为糖皮质激素抵抗。为了研究这一令人困惑的临床和生化图景,我们分析了GR和CYP21基因。事实上,在患者身上发现GR基因第5外显子核苷酸1844上的纯合子T - C替换,导致受体配体结构域的氨基酸571上的缬氨酸到丙氨酸替换。 Her parents and an older sister were heterozygous for this mutation. A whole Epstein-Barr virus-transformed cell dexamethasone-binding assay revealed that this Ala(571) mutant had a 6-fold reduction in binding affinity compared with the wild-type receptor. In a functional assay using mouse mammary tumor virus promoter-driven luciferase reporter gene, the mutant receptor displayed 10- to 50-fold less trans-activation activity than the wild-type receptor. In addition, a large heterozygous CYP21 conversion was identified in the patient and her father. In conclusion, we described the first case of female pseudohermaphroditism caused by a novel homozygous GR gene mutation. This phenotype indicates that pre- and postnatal virilization can occur in females with the glucocorticoid resistance syndrome.


的名字 UniProt ID
糖皮质激素受体 P04150 细节