


Cushman WC,福特CE、卡特勒杰,马戈利斯KL,戴维斯BR,格林RH,黑色的人力资源,汉密尔顿BP,荷兰J, Nwachuku C, Papademetriou V, Probstfield J,小赖特JT, Alderman MH,维斯RJ,皮L,贝当古J,沃尔什SM


中国Hypertens(格林威治)。2002年11 - 12月;4 (6):393 - 404。

PubMed ID
12461301 (在PubMed

背景:血压控制为高血压(< 140/90毫米汞柱)利率远低于美国国家50%以上的目标。可实现的控制利率在不同实践设置和地理区域和预测因素改善血压控制不好确定。目的:确定的成功和预测高血压血压控制在一个大型试验涉及多民族人口多样化的实践设置。设计:降压和降脂治疗预防心脏病发作试验是一个随机、双盲、active-controlled平均4.9年的随访的临床试验。参与者人数1994年2月开始,后续2002年3月完工。设置:共有623个中心在美国,加拿大,和加勒比地区。参与者:共有33357名参与者(年龄> = 55年)与高血压和至少一个其他冠心病危险因素。干预措施:参与者被随机分配接受氯噻酮(双盲),12.5 -25 mg / d (n = 15255),氨氯地平2.5 -10 mg / d (n = 9048),或赖诺普利10-40 mg / d (n = 9054)其他药物后停止。额外的药物剂量增加在这些范围和从其他类会作为实现血压控制所需(< 140/90毫米汞柱)。主要结果测量:这份报告的结果测量收缩压和舒张压,参与者实现血压控制的比例(< 140/90毫米汞柱),所需的药物数量达到控制在所有三组的总和。 RESULTS: Mean age was 67 years, 47% were women, 35% black, 36% diabetic; 90% were on antihypertensive drug treatment at entry. At the first of two pre-randomization visits, blood pressure was <140/90 mm Hg in only 27.4% of participants. After 5 years of follow-up, the percent controlled improved to 66%. Systolic blood pressure was <140 mm Hg in 67% of participants, diastolic blood pressure was <90 mm Hg in 92%, the mean number of drugs prescribed was 2.0+/-1.0, and the percent on > or =2 drugs was 63%. Blood pressure control varied by geographic regions, practice settings, and demographic and clinical characteristics of participants. CONCLUSIONS: These data demonstrate that blood pressure may be controlled in two thirds of a multiethnic hypertensive population in diverse practice settings. Systolic blood pressure is more difficult to control than diastolic blood pressure, and at least two antihypertensive medications are required for most patients to achieve blood pressure control. It is likely that the majority of people with hypertension could achieve a blood pressure <140/90 mm Hg with the antihypertensive medications available today.

