


维兰纽瓦V, Serratosa JM, Guillamon E,加尔米,吉拉尔德茨BG,托莱多,Salas-Puig J,洛佩兹冈萨雷斯FJ,弗洛雷斯J, Rodriguez-Uranga J,卡斯蒂略,毛里是的,卡马乔杰,Lopez-Gomariz E,杜松子酒P,托雷斯N,帕劳J, molin


癫痫研究》2014年9月,108 (7):1243 - 52。doi: 10.1016 / j.eplepsyres.2014.04.014。2014年5月14日Epub。

PubMed ID
24908564 (在PubMed

背景:Eslicarbazepine醋酸(ESL)是一种新的抗癫痫药物(AED)许可作为辅助治疗成人患者部分性或局部癫痫。目的:评估在临床实践环境的长期疗效和安全性ESL焦癫痫患者。方法:ESLIBASE回顾性研究,包括所有焦癫痫患者开始ESL 12家医院的2010年1月至2012年7月之间。ESL是单独规定根据实际练习。在1年疗效和安全性进行评估。从卡马西平(卡马西平)和奥卡西平(光)评估。结果:三百二十七例患者包括;78%的病人正在> / = 2其他aed基线。大多数(87%)开始ESL因为贫穷发作控制和13%因为不良事件(AEs)和卡马西平或全光网。1年之后,237名患者(72.4%)仍是英语。 At 3, 6 and 12 months, the responder rate was 46.3%, 57.9%, and 52.5%, and 21.0%, 28.0%, and 25.3% of patients were seizure free. The responder rate significantly increased when ESL was combined with a non-sodium channel-targeting drug (non-SC drug) (66.7%) versus an SC drug (47.7%; p<0.001). At 12 months, 40.7% of patients had >/=1 AE; AEs led to treatment discontinuation in 16.2%. Dizziness, nausea, and somnolence were the most common AEs. The tolerability profile improved in >50% of the patients who switched from CBZ or OXC to ESL because of AEs. CONCLUSIONS: ESL was well tolerated and effective in a real-world setting over 1 year. Side-effect profile improved when OXC and CBZ recipients were switched to ESL.

