多个葡萄糖6-phosphate dehydrogenase-deficient变异与疟疾风土性在瓦努阿图群岛(西南太平洋)。



Ganczakowski M M,鲍登DK, Vulliamy TJ,金子,克莱格JB,因此DJ, Luzzatto L

多个葡萄糖6-phosphate dehydrogenase-deficient变异与疟疾风土性在瓦努阿图群岛(西南太平洋)。

J哼麝猫。1995年1月;56 (1):294 - 301。

PubMed ID
7825590 (在PubMed

在研究血红细胞的基因异常之间的关系和疟疾风土性在瓦努阿图群岛西南太平洋,我们发现,1442位男性的测试,98(6.8%)被G6PD缺陷。缺GdPD千差万别的患病率(0% - -39%),从一个岛到另一个和相同的不同部分岛屿,和一般相关的积极程度的疟疾传播。从GdPD-deficient G6PD科目的性质分析了53个样品的一个子集。在所有情况下,残余血红细胞活动< 10%。有三个表型模式。PCR扩增和测序整个G6PD基因的编码区显示,第一种模式对应于G6PD联盟(核苷酸1360 c - - > T;氨基酸454参数- - >半胱氨酸),以前遇到的其他地方。第二种模式展示的样品分析显示两个新的突变体:G6PD岛上熔岩(核苷酸383 t - - > C;氨基酸128低浓缩铀——> Pro)和G6PD Namoru(核苷酸208 t - - > C;70年氨基酸酪氨酸- - >他); in three samples, the underlying mutation has not yet been identified. Analysis of the sample exhibiting the third pattern revealed another new mutant: G6PD Naone (nucleotide 497G-->A; amino acid 166Arg-->His). Of the four mutations, G6PD Union and G6PD Vanua Lava have a polymorphic frequency in more than one island; and G6PD Vanua Lava has also been detected in a sample from Papua New Guinea. G6PD deficiency is of clinical importance in Vanuatu because it is a cause of neonatal jaundice and is responsible for numerous episodes of drug-induced acute hemolytic anemia.


的名字 UniProt ID
Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase P11413 细节