


Miyazawa K,北村,纳卡D, Kitamura N


4月10欧元。1991;197(1):第15 - 22。

PubMed ID
1826653 (在PubMed

我们最近报道的隔离和测序cDNA对人类肝细胞生长因子(hHGF) [Miyazawa, K。Tsubouchi, H。纳卡,D。高桥,K。Okigaki, M。Arakaki, N。、中山、H。、Hirono年代。Sakiyama, O。高桥,K。Gohda E。Daikuhara, y & Kitamura:学生物化学(1989)。Biophys。Commun >, 163年,967 - 973]。在目前的研究中,我们报告的另一个cDNA克隆序列较短形式的hHGF mRNA。与hHGF cDNA序列比较显示,两个序列完全相同的5 '最终从translation-initiation 865个核苷酸下游站点,然后彼此完全偏离。 By Northern blot analysis, the hHGF-related 1.5-kb mRNA, which corresponded to the newly isolated cDNA variant, was identified in human placenta. Sequence analysis of a human genomic HGF clone showed that the diverged 3'-terminal portion of the mRNA is generated by alternative RNA-processing events utilizing a specific exon. The mRNA could encode a short hHGF molecule of 290 amino acids corresponding to the N-terminal portion of hHGF which consists of 728 amino acids. In order to examine the effect of the predicted translation product on hepatocyte growth, an expression plasmid for the cDNA variant was constructed and transfected into Cos cells. Immunoblotting analysis showed that the transfected Cos cells produced a protein of about 33 kDa. The protein product did not stimulate DNA synthesis by rat hepatocytes in primary culture.


的名字 UniProt ID
肝细胞生长因子 P14210 细节