




另一个星球杂志。2002年4月,19 (4):438 - 45。

PubMed ID
11919285 (在PubMed

多样化选择驱动器的快速分化基因序列,是自适应进化的主要动力之一。大多数基因已知的多元化选择宿主-病原体或男女参与互动的特点是分子“军备竞赛”。Here we report the unexpected detection of diversifying selection in the evolution of a tumor-growth promoter, angiogenin (ANG). A comparison among 11 primate species demonstrates that ANG has a significantly higher rate of nucleotide substitution at nonsynonymous sites than at synonymous sites, a hallmark of positive selection acting at the molecular level. Furthermore, we observed significant charge diversity at the molecular surface, suggesting the presence of selective pressures in the microenvironment of ANG, including its binding molecules. A population survey of ANG in chimpanzees, however, reveals no polymorphism, which may have resulted from a recent selective sweep of a charge-altering substitution in chimpanzee evolution. Functional assays of recombinant ANGs from the human and owl monkey indicate that primate ANGs retain angiogenic activity despite rapid evolution. Our study, together with findings of similar selection in the primate breast cancer suppressor gene, BRCA1, reveals an intriguing phenomenon of unusual selective pressures on, and adaptive evolution of, cancer-related genes in primate evolution.


的名字 UniProt ID
血管生成素 P03950 细节