


Dunn CJ, Plosker GL, Keating GM, McKeage K, Scott LJ


药。2003;63(16):1743 - 78。

PubMed ID
12904090 (PubMed视图

甘精胰岛素是利用重组DNA技术制备的人胰岛素类似物。修饰人胰岛素分子在A21位置和b链的c端导致形成一种稳定的化合物,在pH值4.0时可溶解,但在皮下组织中形成非晶态微沉淀物,少量甘精胰岛素从其中逐渐释放出来。因此,与常规人胰岛素相比,甘精胰岛素的血药浓度随时间的变化是相对恒定的,在24小时内没有明显的峰值。这可以作为基础疗法,每天一次。早期使用甘精胰岛素的随机试验通常显示,与中性鱼精蛋白哈格多恩(NPH)胰岛素相比,在1型糖尿病患者中,甘精胰岛素可显著降低空腹血糖或血浆葡萄糖水平,并降低夜间低血糖频率。除了这种基础治疗,患者继续使用他们习惯的常规用餐时间胰岛素治疗方案。近期有关甘精胰岛素的数据包括血糖控制改善的证据,与NPH胰岛素相比,治疗满意度有所提高。此外,每天注射甘精胰岛素的时间对这些患者的血糖控制没有临床相关影响。也有来自小型非盲研究的数据表明,甘精胰岛素和持续皮下胰岛素输注的血糖控制效果相当。2型糖尿病患者的比较研究和荟萃分析结果显示,甘精胰岛素组夜间低血糖发生率低于NPH组,两项研究显示,甘精胰岛素组糖化血红蛋白水平的改善显著高于NPH组。 Insulin glargine is well tolerated, and is not associated with greater immunogenicity or increases in bodyweight than NPH insulin. Long-term data show maintenance of glycaemic control with insulin glargine for up to 39 months in adults and children with type 1 and adults with type 2 diabetes. In conclusion, insulin glargine is an effective and well tolerated basal insulin therapy when given as a single daily subcutaneous injection to patients with diabetes, with benefits in terms of glycaemic control and reduced frequency of hypoglycaemia over regimens based on conventional basal insulins. Accumulating data and official recommendations show the suitability of insulin glargine for first-line use in selected patients with type 2 diabetes who require insulin treatment, as well as in patients with type 1 disease, and confirm its use in children and adolescents.

