的影响robenacoxib c反应蛋白的浓度在滑液与骨关节炎的狗。



班尼特D, Eckersall PD,沃森M,马V,轮值表,麦克洛克E, Sbrana年代

的影响robenacoxib c反应蛋白的浓度在滑液与骨关节炎的狗。

BMC兽医研究》2013年3月1日,42。doi: 10.1186 / 1746-6148-9-42。

PubMed ID
23452411 (在PubMed

背景:Robenacoxib是小说和高度选择性cox - 2抑制剂的狗和猫,因为它的酸性tissue-selective自然被认为是。三十四条狗关节炎扼杀颅十字韧带的失败都加入了这项研究。残废,射线照相功能,滑液细胞学和血清中c反应蛋白浓度和滑液进行评估前和后28天开始课程的Robenacoxib剂量的1毫克/公斤SID。结果:残废评分有显著降低(P < 0.01),增加射线之间的得分(P < 0.05)预处理和后处理的评估。没有区别pre -(中位数1.49 mg / l;Q1-Q3 0.56 - -4.24 mg / L)和post - (1.10 mg / L;0.31 - -1.78 mg / L)治疗血清c反应蛋白水平虽然滑液水平显著降低(pre -: 0.44 mg / L;0.23 - -1.62 mg / L;后:0.17 mg / L;0.05 - -0.49 mg / L) (P < 0.05)。 There was no correlation between C-reactive protein concentrations in serum and matched synovial fluid samples. CONCLUSIONS: Robenacoxib proved effective in reducing lameness in dogs with failure of the cranial cruciate ligament and osteoarthritis of the stifle joint. The drug also reduced levels of C-reactive protein in the synovial fluid taken from the affected stifle joint. Robenacoxib appears to reduce articular inflammation as assessed by C-reactive protein which supports the concept that Robenacoxib is a tissue-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

