Gil-Ortiz F, Ramon-Maiques年代,成立我,卢比奥V
J杂志。2003年8月1日,331 (1):231 - 44。
- PubMed ID
12875848 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
N-Acetyl-L-glutamate激酶(NAGK)的结构范式氨基酸激酶家族的酶,催化的磷酸化gamma-COO(-)组N-Acetyl-L-glutamate(唠叨)ATP。我们决定与MgADP NAGK复合物的晶体结构,唠叨和过渡态模拟阿尔夫(4)(-);MgADP和唠叨;和ADP和(4)(2 -)。这些结构的比较与MgAMPPNP-NAG复杂允许描绘在磷酰基转移三个连续步骤:开始的时候,当攻击和离开O原子和P原子是不完全一致的和攻击P O原子和原子之间的距离是2.8;中途,双锥体中间,几乎完美的校准和2.3的距离;当完成转移。转移发生在线条和强烈关联,与Lys8 Lys217稳定过渡态和离去基团,分别和Lys61,与早先的提案相比,不参与。三个水分子中发现所有的复合物,连同Asp162毫克,关键结构的角色。两个glycine-rich循环(beta1-alphaA和beta2-alphaB)也很重要,朝着复合物与配体不同,他们是氢键,锁定他们的反应或稳定的过渡状态。 The active site is too narrow to accommodate the substrates without compressing the reacting groups, and this compressive strain appears a crucial component of the catalytic mechanism of NAGK, and possibly of other enzymes of the amino acid kinase family such as carbamate kinase. Initial binding of the two substrates would require a different enzyme conformation with a wider active site, and the energy of substrate binding would be used to change the conformation of the active center, causing substrate strain towards the transition state.