


Seifi哈,勒布朗SJ, Vernooy E,莱斯利科达菲尔德特遣部队


J乳品科学。2007年9月,90 (9):4181 - 91。

PubMed ID
17699036 (在PubMed

糖皮质激素通常用于治疗与临床酮症和脂肪肝奶牛,但是他们的使用是有争议的。本研究的目的是调查的影响醋酸isoflupredone单独或与能量代谢的胰岛素在泌乳早期奶牛在一个大型双盲、随机临床试验。共有1162名荷斯坦奶牛和first-lactation 3的第1小母牛被随机分配接受治疗之间的分娩和8昏暗的天:A组,20毫克贝聿铭isoflupredone和100单位胰岛素的注射;B组,20毫克贝聿铭isoflupredone注射;C组(对照组),10毫升贝聿铭注入无菌水。治疗被随机分配在24个奶牛场附近圭尔夫,加拿大安大略省。血清样本获得的治疗和治疗进行了分析后在周1和2 beta-hydroxybutyrate, nonesterified脂肪酸、葡萄糖、钙、钾、钠和氯。牛被分配分数在入学的时候身体条件。数据分析使用一个重复测量混合模型,占平价和体况评分的影响,和牛的随机效应和农场。牛仅接受与胰岛素和isoflupredone isoflupredone beta-hydroxybutyrate和nonesterified脂肪酸浓度在治疗后1周与控制奶牛。 Cows that received isoflupredone acetate plus insulin had lower glucose concentrations at 1 wk after treatment. Calcium concentrations 1 wk after treatment were lower for cows that received isoflupredone and insulin or isoflupredone only compared with control cows. Serum sodium, potassium, and chloride concentrations were not influenced by treatment. The effect of treatment on the proportion of cows with subclinical ketosis was evaluated with a logistic regression model. Over the 2 wk following treatment, a significant increase in the prevalence of subclinical ketosis was observed in the isoflupredone plus insulin group relative to the control group. Among 972 cows that were not ketotic at enrollment, cows that received isoflupredone acetate plus insulin or isoflupredone acetate only were, respectively, 1.72 and 1.59 times more likely than control cows to develop subclinical ketosis 1 wk after treatment. There were no treatment effects on test-day milk production, milk fat and protein percentages, or the intervals from calving to first insemination or pregnancy.

