Patricolo M, Paolocci N, Zangari Antonica,罗西L,马尼F, Viola-Magni MP, Caione P,赖,Rivosecchi M
密涅瓦Chir。1996年11月,51 (11):971 - 7。
- PubMed ID
9072727 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
胎儿组织呈现独特的损伤后修复的特点。虽然胎儿肝细胞的发展已经在移植模型,研究了体外和体内研究胎儿肝脏的再生还错过了在文献中,我们所知。加州8怀孕时间兔子(23日,24日,25日30天的孕龄)和2成年男性加州兔子麻醉后标准化输液协议(氯胺酮50毫克/公斤;xilazine 5毫克/公斤;propiopromazine 0.75毫克/公斤;自主呼吸;没有麻醉气体)。所有的孕妇接受了中线剖腹手术,子宫切开术接近最小胎儿/每只动物。2例,1胎儿牺牲之前交付,胎儿肝脏样本在托托(30天的孕龄)。这些怀孕被允许继续术语和平淡无奇的足月自发交付剩余的胎儿。 In the other 6 pregnancies, after the hysterotomy, the fetal abdomen was entered through a right-sided longitudinal incision and the liver was partially resected by thermocauterization. Fetal abdomen was closed in 1 layer (non absorbable suture 7-0). The fetus was then returned in the uterus and, after amniotic fluid restoration with warmed saline, the hysterotomy was sutured in double layer (polyglycolic 5-0). Maternal abdomen was closed in 1 layer (polyglycolic 4-0) and the skin in a continuous overlying fashion (silk 3-0). The abdominal cavity of the 2 adult male rabbits was entered through a right subcostal incision. Partial liver resection was performed, and abdominal and skin closure followed the same techniques used for the pregnant does. The treated livers were then sampled in toto at 24, 48, 72 hrs and 4 days after surgery from the fetuses, and at 7 days from the adult rabbits. Histological stains were: H & E; Van Gieson; Masson; Alcian Bleu; PAS. Fetal histology showed a low inflammatory reaction poor in PMN cells with minimal deposition of collagen and a high amount of glycogen in the hepatocytes. The inflammatory response to resection was much more evident in the adult samples as much as the abundant intra and extra-cellular deposition of collagen associated to a minor amount of intracellular glycogen. The peculiar features of liver regeneration in the fetus, deserve further experimental studies.
- 药物