Roberfroid MB
Br J减轻。2005年4月,93增刊1:S13-25。
- PubMed ID
15877886 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
菊粉是一个通用术语涵盖所有β(2 - - > 1)线性果聚糖。菊苣菊粉是一个线性β(2 - - > 1)果聚糖(聚合度(DP) 2 - 60;DPav = 12),部分酶水解产品oligofructose (DP 2到8;DPav = 4),通过应用特定的分离技术长链菊粉菊粉惠普(DP 10到60;DPav = 25)可以产生。最后,一个特定的产品称为oligofructose-enriched菊粉是通过结合菊苣长链菊粉和oligofructose。因为配置的果糖单体异头C2, inulin-type果聚糖抵制由肠道消化酶水解,他们分类为“non-digestible”碳水化合物,膳食纤维。通过增加粪便生物量和粪便的含水量,改善排便习惯,但他们有特征不同于其他纤维。它们影响肠胃功能不是因为他们的理化性能,而是因为他们的生化和生理属性。在结肠,他们迅速发酵产生短链脂肪酸,是很好的候选人解释的一些系统性影响inulin-type果聚糖。 Fermentation of inulin-type fructans in the large bowel is a selective process; bifidobacteria (and possibly a few other genera) are preferentially stimulated to grow, thus causing significant changes in the composition of the gut microflora by increasing the number of potentially health-promoting bacteria and reducing the number of potentially harmful species. Both oligofructose and inulin are prebiotic. They also induce changes in colonic epithelium stimulating proliferation in the crypts, increasing the concentration of polyamines, changing the profile of mucins, and modulating endocrine as well as immune functions. From a nutrition labelling perspective, inulin-type fructans are not only prebiotic dietary fibres; they are also low-calorie carbohydrates [6.3 kJ/g (1.5 kcal/g)]. Supported by the results of a large number of animal studies and human nutrition intervention trials, the claim 'inulin-type fructans enhance calcium and magnesium absorption' is scientifically substantiated, but different inulin-type fructans have probably a different efficacy (in terms of effective daily dose), the most active product being the oligofructose-enriched inulin. A series of animal studies demonstrate that inulin-type fructans affect the metabolism of lipids primarily by decreasing triglyceridaemia because of a reduction in the number of plasma VLDL particles. The human data largely confirm the animal experiments. They demonstrate mainly a reduction in triglyceridaemia and only a relatively slight decrease in cholesterolaemia mostly in (slightly) hypertriglyceridaemic conditions. Inulin appears thus eligible for an enhanced function claim related to normalization of blood triacylglycerols. A large number of animal data convincingly show that inulin-type fructans reduce the risk of colon carcinogenesis and nutrition intervention trials are now performed to test that hypothesis in human subjects known to be at risk for polyps and cancer development in the large bowel.
- 药物