巴雷特啊,Cort EM Patel P, Berkovitz BK
拱口腔医学杂志。2000;10月45 (10):879 - 87。
- PubMed ID
10973561 (在PubMed]
- 文摘
20是一种低分子量细胞角蛋白(CK)据报道,中间丝表示只有良性和恶性胃肠道上皮,尿道上皮和默克尔细胞。这里的主要目的是将其表达在人类和其他哺乳动物的正常口腔黏膜,并确定是否表达了人类口腔上皮异常。唾液、牙原性的上皮细胞也进行了分析。一个用于wax-embedded immunoperoxidase方法和低温恒温器部分。此外,double-labelling实验确定CK 20之间的关系进行表达和CK的8/18或S100蛋白。正常的人类口腔黏膜从四个网站,加上腹部皮肤,尸检样本中研究了32个人。CK 20-positive基底,圆形或角细胞,与默克尔细胞一致,记录在24/32(75.0%)的样品下颌齿龈,25/32(78.1%)的样品硬腭,7/32(21.9%)的样品颊粘膜,0/32的横向边界样本的舌头,和2/32(6.3%)的样品腹部皮肤。Double-labelling显示所有CK 20-positive默克尔细胞也表达了CK和S100 8/18。唯一的其他细胞表达CK 20人人类的味蕾。没有表情的发育异常的或侵入性口腔上皮活检样本。 Colonic mucosa showed luminal-cell positivity in man, marmoset, ferret, rabbit and guinea-pig, but oral mucosa was universally negative in non-human species. It is concluded that in oral mucosa CK 20 is a specific marker of Merkel cells and taste buds, that Merkel cells are more frequently present in keratinized than non-keratinized oral mucosa, that CK 20-positive Merkel cells are also S100-positive, that there may be interspecies variations in CK 20 polypeptide composition and that, by contrast to urothelium, CK 20 has no value in the diagnosis of oral epithelial dysplasia.